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Managing Employee Mental Health During COVID-19

Duration: 2 hours  |  Audience: People Leaders


The challenges caused by COVID-19 are expected to cause ongoing and changing psychological health issues in employees as they grapple with uncertainty around business and career continuity, the difficulties of working from home while parenting/caring for loved ones and the loss of social interaction and connection vital for psychological wellbeing. Studies show increased rates of psychological health problems in China where the pandemic first hit and it is expected that in Australia, rates of depression, anxiety and other psychological concerns will escalate throughout and following the pandemic.

Employers and managers need to be aware of their health and safety obligations to identify, help and protect workers through the crisis. Our webinar provides practical strategies that will help people leaders support their staff during this uncertain period of time. At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the differing ways humans psychologically respond to crises and specifically pandemics
  • Understand the impact of uncertainty and fear on psychological wellbeing and productivity in employees
  • Understand how COVID-19 threatens three essential psychological needs in humans and learn strategies for regaining these needs within the context of the crisis
  • Utilise evidence-based techniques to sustain mental health and wellbeing of staff including how to identify and manage psychological health issues when leading a virtual team of remotely working employees
  • Adopt strategies to encourage a staff member experiencing decreased mental health and wellbeing to access appropriate support
  • Watch a simulated example of a manager initiating and leading a discussion with an employee about whom the manager has concerns regarding their psychological health

The facilitator will offer ongoing opportunities for interaction with and between participants via Q and A, chat functions, polls and “raise hands”.